Maria Norberta Neves Correia de Pinho

MARIA NORBERTA de PINHO is a Chem. Engineer (U. Porto (1970)), PhD in Chem. Engineering, U. Florida(1976).IST Professor (1977-2015). CeFEMA Researcher on Fluid Dynamics & Mass Transfer ;Processes; Biorefinery ; Medical Devices .Supervisor of 30 MSc Thesis , 20 PhD Dissertations. Researcher/Coordinator of 30 projects sponsored by FCT& E.U. . Member of European Network of Excellence, NanoMemPro(2004-2008). Co-author of 200 publications (ISI Web of Knowledge).Member of CYTED “AQUAMEMTEC “ (2018-2022); Annex XVII of IETS, International Energy Agency.

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Área de Especialização (FOS)

Engenharia Química

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