Maria Norberta Neves Correia de Pinho

MARIA NORBERTA de PINHO is a Chem. Engineer (U. Porto (1970)), PhD in Chem. Engineering, U. Florida(1976).IST Professor (1977-2015). CeFEMA Researcher on Fluid Dynamics & Mass Transfer ;Processes; Biorefinery ; Medical Devices .Supervisor of 30 MSc Thesis , 20 PhD Dissertations. Researcher/Coordinator of 30 projects sponsored by FCT& E.U. . Member of European Network of Excellence, NanoMemPro(2004-2008). Co-author of 200 publications (ISI Web of Knowledge).Member of CYTED “AQUAMEMTEC “ (2018-2022); Annex XVII of IETS, International Energy Agency.

Interesses científicos

Área de Especialização (FOS)

Engenharia Química

Perfis externos

Produção científica


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Biografia completa

Chemical Engineer by the University of Porto (1970), M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (1974) and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering by the University of Florida, USA (1976). Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) of the University of Lisbon (1977-2015). Jubilated Professor (2015-present). Researcher at the Center for Advanced Materials Physics and Engineering (CeFEMA). She has been teaching Transport Phenomena, Separation Processes and Membrane Processes and coordinating research on Membrane Synthesis and Characterization; Flow and Mass Transfer Modelling (Computer Fluid Dynamics), Design and Engineering of Separation Processes and Membrane Processes in Food, Pulp and Paper and Chemical Industries; Biorefinery; Extracorporeal Circulation Devices. She supervised 30 Master's Dissertations and 20 Doctoral Theses. Researcher/Coordinator of 35 projects sponsored by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and the European Community (BRITE / EURAM (1991-1994); ECSC Coal Research (1997-2000)). Member of the European Network of Excellence, NanoMemPro, 2004-2008. Visiting Researcher at: Max-Planck Institut für Biophysik, Frankfurt (1977/78); National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa (1984/85); Verfahrenstechnik Institute, RWTH Aachen (Alexander von Humboldt Scholarship, 1986/87); MIT (2003); Columbia University, NY (2014). I am co-author of two hundred publications referenced in ISI Web of Knowledge and more than two hundred in Books and Conference Annals. Two European and American patents. A textbook on Mass Transfer. I have actively participated in scientific community activities such as Referee: Journal of Membrane Sci., Desalination, AIChE Journal, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Polymer, etc. Board of Directors of European Membrane Society, 1994/1998. Member of Membrane Working Party of European Federation of Ch. Eng. Evaluation of EC and International Grants: BRITE/EURAM II, 1995 – 1997; COPERNICUS; EUREKA; PEDIP(1995); (JNICT); Praxis XXI - Medida 3.1.b; Advisory Group “Advanced Energy Systems and Services” (EC (DG XII – FP5)), 1997; Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources (EC (DG XII)), 1999; Environment and Sustainable Development. Key Action – Sustainable Management and Quality of Water (EC (DG XII)), 2000; Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, 2001; United States – Israel Binational Science Foundation, 2001; Sustainable Management and Quality of Water - Key action 1 (EC (DG XII)), SME Specific Measures, Craft Proposals, 2002; “Strategic Advisory Committee” (SAR), “International Expert for Membrane Technology”, Vito, Mol, Bélgica, 2006; “European Science Foundation” (ESF), “ESF Pool of Reviewers”, 2007; “Agência de Inovação” (ADI), Painel de Avaliação Intercalar das Redes de Competência, 2007 I am currently working as “Jubilated“ Professor and Researcher at the Center for Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials (CeFEMA) and the Chemical Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico ,University of Lisbon. Scientific Coordinator of the Project "Hemocompatible Nanostructured Membranes for Artificial Organs". PTDC / CTM-BIO / 6178/2014, sponsored by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) (1/5/2016-31/12/2019). At present :1 PhD Supervision,1PhD Co-Supervision,2 Master Thesis Supervisions;Member of CYTED Iberian-American Network “RECIRCULA“ ,sub-task leader in “Membrane Processes in Biorefineries”, Annex of IETS (Industrial Energy-Related Technologies&Systems), International Energy Agency (IEA)