Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia do Ambiente e do Mar

Unidade de investigação

2015 - Presente

MARETEC (Marine, Environment and Technology Centre) is a Research Centre of Instituto Superior Técnico. It is dedicated to the analysis and development of solutions for environmental and sustainability problems, in a strongly interdisciplinary approach, based on fundamental physical principles and intensive use of modeling and computational tools. MARETEC is internationally recognized for the development of the physical and ecological modelling systems MOHID Water (for aquatic ecosystems) and MOHID Land (for terrestrial ecosystems), for the use of thermodynamic principles in understanding the growth of organisms and economies, and for the practical application of these tools in topics such as estuarine management, oil spills, precision agriculture, or biodiversity and ecosystem services. MARETEC's activity is part of the Associate Laboratory LARSyS - Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems, a highly interdisciplinary consortium of four research centers that brings together expertise in systems, data science, machine learning, environment, energy, economics, social sciences, humanities and arts.

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