Centro de Energia e Mecânica de Fluidos
Unidade de investigação
The research covers a broad range of fundamental topics directly related to fluids, such heat transfer, turbulence physics and modeling, computational fluid dynamics, and experimental fluid mechanics; and related to energy such efficiency, renewable energy, hydrogen and fuel cells, clean combustion, energy and environment in transports and turbomachinery. The applied research includes: investigation of co-combustion of coal with biomass, study of the formation of fine particulate matter in biomass combustion; development of design tools for air turbines for wave energy conversion and for small cross-flow hydraulic turbines; development of ocean wave energy utilization, development and promotion of tools and practices for energy management, urban planning and new and renewable energy technologies, development of tools to assess the potential for renewable energy technologies in developing countries and remote regions; development region’s environmental indicators for the road transport sector, and examination of the algal industrial biorefineries viability and sustainability.
Produção científica
Consulte as publicações realizadas no âmbito desta instituição/unidade de investigação.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.