Departamento de Engenharia e Ciências Nucleares


2014 - Presente

The Department of Nuclear Sciences and Engineering (DECN) is the youngest department of IST and the result of the integration of the manpower and material resources of the former Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear. Its research staff and faculty work in two different scientific areas : Chemical and Radiopharmaceutical Sciences and Nuclear Technologies and Radiation Protection. The research activities of its members take place in C2TN, IPFN e IBB, while those related to technological development take place in the framework of "Laboratórios de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico".

Produção científica


Consulte as publicações realizadas no âmbito desta instituição/unidade de investigação.

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year Author's Name , et al.

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year Author's Name , et al.

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year Author's Name , et al.

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year Author's Name , et al.

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year Author's Name , et al.

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year Author's Name , et al.

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year Author's Name , et al.

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year Author's Name , et al.