Laboratório de Robótica e Sistemas em Engenharia e Ciência

Unidade de investigação

2001 - Presente

The Associate Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems (LARSyS) was founded in 2001 to conduct basic and applied research in engineering technologies relevant to industrial applications and societal challenges. LARSyS is uniquely positioned to contribute to the new research challenges because of: -The strong scientific background in Systems, Data Science and Learning; -The interdisciplinary social-technical systems (STS) approach combining analytical tools and methods of engineering, with social sciences and design tools and methods of inquiry; -The real-world, application-driven motivation towards societal problems defined in thematic lines; -The engagement with the social and economic implications of problems and solutions, leading to sustainable development goals through collaborations with industry, public policy recommendations and spin-off companies. Mission & Vision LARSyS vision is to excel as a research center in the design of complex, socio-technical engineering systems that emerge from massive flows of data and a new generation of autonomous devices and cognitive artifacts, that bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds. LARSyS aims at research excellence at the highest international level in Robotics and Engineering Systems, including building-up new knowledge bases with impact in ocean, urban, aeronautic and space, biomedical, and future working environments, as well as to stimulate new industry-science relations and deepen our understanding of network science. Our ultimate goal is to be actively involved in a new generation of research question and issues in Robotics and Engineering Systems. The R&D Units are ISR, IN+, ITI and MARETEC.

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