Centro de Química Estrutural
Unidade de investigação
1975 - Presente
Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE) is the largest Chemistry-focused R&D Unit of Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) with sites at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and Faculdade de Ciências (FCUL). It is organized around 11 research groups that work associated with four interconnected and overlapping thematic lines ranging from synthesis, catalysis and reactivity to materials, soft matter and nano-chemistry and with impact in fields as diverse as sustainable chemistry for the environment, energy and manufacturing or medicinal and biological chemistry for health. CQE is involved in several collaborative cross-functional projects merging fundamental research with potential industrial applications to strengthen the contribution of Chemistry to society. CQE has been engaging in technology transfer and outreach activities, with multiple patents, spin-offs, collaborations with the industry and international partnerships to promote knowledge valorization. The CQE is an active participant in several networks included in the Portuguese Roadmap of Research Infrastructures, with application in drug design, proteomics and metabolomics, materials science, or structural biology at both fundamental and applied levels, namely: - the mass spectrometry, (RNEM); - the nuclear magnetic resonance (PTNMR); - and the national chemistry and biology network (PT-OPENSCREEN). These infrastructures are the national nodes of the European Research Infrastructures INSTRUCT-ERIC and EU-OPENSCREEN ESFRI.
Produção científica
Unidades relacionadas
1966 - 1972
1973 - 1974