Centro de Física e Engenharia de Materiais Avançados

Unidade de investigação

2015 - Presente

CeFEMA – Center of Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials was established in 2014. CeFEMA integrates about 50 scientists from the Physics, Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Departments of Instituto Superior Técnico and the Physics Department of the Faculty of Sciences, both of Lisbon University, as well as from several Polytechnic Schools, and a variable number of graduate and undergraduate students. The research covers three main interdisciplinary Research Areas: Fundamental Physics, Applied Physics, and Engineering of Advanced Materials and Processes. At present CeFEMA is organized in five Research Groups and the research is focused on seven Research Topics. The members of CeFEMA were previously integrated, amongst others, in CFIF – Centre for Physics of Fundamental Interactions, ICEMS Institute of Science and Engineering of Materials and Surfaces and CFMC – Condensed Matter Physics Center, which were extinct.

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