Dissertação de Mestrado
Durabilidade de compósitos de polímero reforçado com fibras de vidro produzidos por infusão a vácuo para aplicações estruturais em engenharia civil
—Informações chave
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The development of Civil Engineering has involved the evolution of construction techniques and the introduction of new materials. An example of this are fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites, which have been used in various construction applications, replacing conventional materials. However, existing information on FRP, in particular, on their durability, is still scarce and inconsistent, which is reflected in the lack of predictive models and regulation. This master thesis presents the results of an experimental study on the durability in hygrothermal environments of two types of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites, produced by vacuum infusion, with two different resins – unsaturated polyester and vinylester. For this study, the GFRP laminates were immersed in water at 20 ºC, 40 ºC and 60 ºC, for 3 and 6 months. At the end of those periods, the effects of hygrothermal ageing on the thermomechanical and mechanical properties of both laminates, tested in wet and dry conditions, were evaluated. In particular, the following tests were carried out: dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and tensile, compressive, flexural, in-plane shear and interlaminar shear tests.
Detalhes da publicação
Autores da comunidade :
Orientadores desta instituição:
João Pedro Ramôa Ribeiro Correia
Mário Alexandre De Jesus Garrido
Domínio Científico (FOS)
- Engenharia Civil
Idioma da publicação (código ISO)
- Português
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Nome da instituição
Instituto Superior Técnico