Dissertação de Mestrado
Performance Monitoring and Event-based Sampling for RISC-V
—Informações chave
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Increased attention to RISC-V open Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), has fueled its move from embedded devices to the high-performance computing arena, with the proliferation of RISC-V-based accelerators. However, the absence of powerful performance monitoring tools often results in poorly optimized applications and, consequently, limited computing performance. While the RISC-V ISA already defines a Hardware Performace Monitor and offers support for the Linux perf_events subsystem, research and development on RISC-V-based devices have been more focused on architectures and compilers rather than tools to support monitoring performance. To overcome this limitation, the introduction of PAPI library support for RISC-V processors is proposed in this thesis, and a Precise Event Sampling system specification compatible with future PAPI integration is presented along with a minimal implementation proof-of-concept. The conducted testing and evaluation of the PAPI port were carried out on a SiFive Unmatched board, but the proposed changes, and the corresponding implementation, are easily portable to other systems. The proof of concept for RISC-V Precise Event Sampling was implemented on a CVA6 processor. It was found that, when compared to directly using perf_events, PAPI presents a large overhead; 83360µs in comparison with perf_events 100.24µs. Nevertheless, most of it (81200µs) is concentrated in the initialization of the library, which only occurs once per program execution.
Detalhes da publicação
Autores da comunidade :
Tiago Alfredo Lopes Rocha
Orientadores desta instituição:
Pedro Filipe Zeferino Tomás
Domínio Científico (FOS)
- Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Eletrónica e Informática
Idioma da publicação (código ISO)
- Inglês
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Nome da instituição
Instituto Superior Técnico