Dissertação de Mestrado
Wind Tunnel Testing of a Complete Formula Student Vehicle
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Formula Student teams are putting a great effort into aerodynamics as it is an important feature to enhance car performance. They focus on designing the best aerodynamic concept through numerical simulations. Before being manufactured, the final concept should pass an experimental test phase which is usually overlooked but essential to build trust in the numerical results. This work presents a first evaluation of the numerical methods adopted by the Formula Student Técnico team. The objective is to verify the quality of CFD results by using verification (quantification of numerical errors) and validation (quantification of modelling errors). First, the numerical errors were estimated. Then, to validate the numerical models, a 1/3 scale model of the latest prototype FST10e was built and tested. The wind tunnel tests were performed not only to obtain measurements of quantities of interest (lift, drag and pitching moment) but also to evaluate the physics of the CFD simulations by using flow visualization techniques. The model was tested in six different configurations. In general, the qualitative evaluation of the results revealed that the numerical simulations captured the experimental trends and sensitivities. Also, wool tufts were used as a flow visualization technique, which enhanced the agreement between the numerical simulations and the wind tunnel testing. Despite capturing the wind tunnel results trends and physics, the CFD simulations still need time investment and more testing to provide accurate data. However, they proved to be useful in assessing how the geometry changes affect the aerodynamic performance of the car.
Detalhes da publicação
Autores da comunidade :
Jaime Rafael Martins Pacheco
Orientadores desta instituição:
André Calado Marta
Luís Rego da Cunha de Eça
Domínio Científico (FOS)
- Engenharia Mecânica
Idioma da publicação (código ISO)
- Português
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Nome da instituição
Instituto Superior Técnico