Alexander Andreevich Fedorov
2002 – a equivalência ao grau de doutor no ramo de Fisica, IST, da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal 1983 - GOI, Leningrad. Candidate of Science in Optics (Ph.D.) 1971 – Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Physical-mechanical department. Engineer Physicist in Physics of Dosimetry (MS)
Interesses científicos
- Physics of nonlinear phenomena in activated crystals (cooperative and coherent transition)
- physics of ultrashort light pulses (ps and fs)
- application of the laser sources with pico and femtosecond pulses to study optical dynamics of systems with fast relaxation of optical excitation (molecular aggregates
- semiconductive structure with quantum wells etc.). Photophysics and photochemistry of the ultrafast processes. Time-resolved spectroscopy: pump-probe spectroscopy
- time correlated single photon counting.
Perfis externos
Produção científica
Conheça este autor através da sua biografia.
Biografia completa
Born October 8,1946 in Murmansk, Russia, USSR Married (Olga A.Voutsen) Three children (Andrey 1968, Gennadiy 1973, Philipp 1987)