Alexander Andreevich Fedorov
2002 – a equivalência ao grau de doutor no ramo de Fisica, IST, da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal 1983 - GOI, Leningrad. Candidate of Science in Optics (Ph.D.) 1971 – Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Physical-mechanical department. Engineer Physicist in Physics of Dosimetry (MS)
Interesses científicos
- Physics of nonlinear phenomena in activated crystals (cooperative and coherent transition)
- physics of ultrashort light pulses (ps and fs)
- application of the laser sources with pico and femtosecond pulses to study optical dynamics of systems with fast relaxation of optical excitation (molecular aggregates
- semiconductive structure with quantum wells etc.). Photophysics and photochemistry of the ultrafast processes. Time-resolved spectroscopy: pump-probe spectroscopy
- time correlated single photon counting.
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