Sérgio Nuno Canteiro de Magalhães

Sérgio Nuno Canteiro de Magalhães


Sérgio Nuno Canteiro de Magalhães (SM) is a DL57 researcher at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal under the 16/IPFN contract. The contract was attributed to the Development of models to study the effects of ion-implanted nano-materials using X-rays and ion beams. MROX, an acronym for Multiple Reflection Optimization package for X-ray diffraction is one of the codes developed and has been the center of the scientific activities of SM.

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Área de Especialização (FOS)


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Produção científica


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Biografia completa

Sérgio Nuno Canteiro de Magalhães (SM) is a DL57 researcher at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal under the 16/IPFN contract. The contract was attributed to the Development of models to study the effects of ion-implanted nano-materials using X-rays and ion beams. MROX, an acronym for Multiple Reflection Optimization package for X-ray diffraction is one of the codes developed and has been the center of the scientific activities of SM. MROX, in its last version (published in March 2021), combines the simulation (and fitting) of simultaneous symmetric and asymmetric reflections being the only one in the world with that feature. Another important developed software is the LdCWH, an acronym for Layer de-Convolution method for the Williamson-Hall novel method, published in February 2021. It is also attracting attention due to its importance not only at the scientific but also at industrial levels due to its application to polycrystalline materials as well. The developed codes are the core of the proposed application. The year 2023 has been the best year for SM in terms of research outputs: 2 manuscripts by the first author were accepted and another was recently submitted as the first author. Formally, 2 Master's degree students supervised by SM focussed their X-ray analysis of implanted nitrides in the software while several other Ph.D. students from the hosting Institution are recurrently using MROX to simulate their data. Moreover, during their scientific career, SM guided more than 12 students, in particular, concerning the measurements and analysis of their X-ray data. More recently, SM started to give lectures on Electromagnetism and Optics at the Instituto Superior Técnico and was evaluated by the students with 8.69 (1-9). Finally, SM participated in several R&D Projects and several International Conferences with more than 6 oral presentations.