João Rodrigues has a Ph.D. Electronics and Computer Engineering and Habilitation in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is a Professor at Institute of Engineering, University of the Algarve. He is member of LARSyS (ISR-Lisbon). He participated in more than 20 financed scientific projects, several as PI, and he is co-author more than 200 scientific publications. His research interests lie on: computer vision, human-computer interaction and human-centered AI
Interesses científicos
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Eletrónica e Informática
Perfis externos
Produção científica
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Professor João Rodrigues graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1993, obtained his MSc in Systems and Computer Engineering in 1998 and a PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering, Specialty Computer Science in 2008. In 2021 he completed the Habilitation in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is a Coordinator Professor with Tenure at the Institute of Engineering (ISE) [] in the University of the Algarve (UAlg) [], Portugal, where he lectures Curricular Units in the areas of Computer Science and Computer Vision since 1994. João Rodrigues is currently Vice-Rector for Transfer, Innovation and Digital University at UAlg, he was Pro-Rector for Transfer and Innovation at UAlg, Director of the Department of Electrical Engineering at ISE and Director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology and the Master in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He is a member of the Research Centre - Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR-Lisbon) [], that is integrated into the Associated Laboratory LARSyS [], and of the CINTAL Research Unit (UAlg) []. He is a member of the Associations APRP, IAPR, SUPERA and ARTECH. He is also a member of the Portuguese Engineers Order. João Rodrigues participated in more than 20 nationally or internationally funded scientific projects, 5 of which were as the coordinator. He is a co-author of more than 200 scientific publications. João Rodrigues belongs to the editorial board of several international journals, as well as organized or belongs to the organization of several special issues in journals, tracks, workshops and international scientific conferences in the area of Computer Science or Computer Vision. He is the editor of several books on pattern recognition and developments and technologies for human-computer iteration. His main areas of interest are Computer Vision, Human-Computer Iteration, Human-Centered AI, Augmented Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence (sub-areas include: Adaptative Interfaces, Emotions Recognition, Human-Senses Modeling, and Human-Machine Cooperation). More details at