Vânia Martins é doutorada em Química Analítica Ambiental pela Universidade de Barcelona (2016). Atualmente é investigadora no Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares do Instituto Superior Técnico com foco na área da Poluição Atmosférica. A sua carreira científica tem sido dedicada principalmente à monitorização da qualidade do ar, caracterização físico-química do material particulado, avaliação da exposição da população a poluentes atmosféricos e identificação de medidas de mitigação da poluição do ar.
Interesses científicos
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Ciências da Terra e Ciências do Ambiente
Perfis externos
Produção científica
Conheça este autor através da sua biografia.
Vânia Martins (born 1989) holds a BSc in Environmental Engineering in 2010 at ESAC (Coimbra) and an MSc in Environmental Engineering with specialization in Atmospheric Pollution in 2012 at University of Aveiro. Her MSc thesis focused on characterisation of particulate carbon emissions during domestic biomass burning. She got a Marie Curie PhD grant fellowship in 2013. During her PhD, she worked at IDAEA-CSIC (Spain) in the environmental geochemistry and atmospheric research group, which is widely recognised among the scientific community in Europe. The PhD work focused on air quality in subway systems with the final aim of assessing the passenger exposure to air pollutants. She was the main responsible for campaigns in the cities of Barcelona, Athens and Oporto, working in close cooperation with other international institutes. She is skilled in using instrumentation in the field and has competence in performing laboratory work. In 2015 she made a secondment on modelling of personal exposure and dose to aerosols at TUC (Crete). She also participated in a campaign (2016) to compare different sampling equipment in the NCSRD (Athens). In 2016, she earned her PhD in Environmental Analytical Chemistry at University of Barcelona. She got a postdoctoral researcher position at C2TN-IST (Lisbon) in 2017. Her postdoc research focused on the assessment of the population exposure to atmospheric aerosols in indoor and outdoor environments. She participated in a very extensive sampling campaign (from Sept 2017 to Oct 2018). In July 2017, she was responsible for an indoor air quality audit in an Elderly Care Center. In 2020, she got a position as junior researcher within the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2018 (CEECIND/04228/2018, funded by FCT). Currently, she coordinates as Principal Investigator 2 scientific projects (both funded by FCT): i) a bilateral cooperation project with a polish institute (AGH University of Science and Technology) and ii) a SR&TD project award within a very competitive call (8.3% success). She was member of the operational team of 2 projects: EU LIFE Index-Air and ExpoLIS, being responsible for the coordination and accomplishment of the activities of the IST actions. She was the main contributor in the elaboration of 1 mid-term, 2 progress and 1 final reports, as well as of the socio-economic and several Deliverable reports of the LIFE Index-Air project, prepared for the European Commission. She has already participated in 15 national and international research projects (including 3 FCT, 3 LIFE, 2 FP7, 2 COST Actions, 1 INTERREG MED, 1 INTERREG SUDOE projects, 1 EEA Grant and 1 Portuguese Environmental Fund). She is actively involved in the conception and submission of several project proposals. V. Martins published 1 book, 3 book chapters, 6 proceeding papers and 36 scientific papers in international peer review journals (in ISI), with 1278 citations and h-index 18. She has contributions in scientific national and international conferences (58 orals and 44 posters). She participated in 14 international scientific training courses, 5 pedagogical training courses and 1 Grant Writing Bootcamp. She was member of 1 scientific and 2 organising committees of international conferences. She was chair in the IAC2018 conference (St. Louis, USA) and in the IAC2022 conference (Athens, Greece). She has been actively involved in several outreach and dissemination activities. She supervised 5 MSc students and 1 undergraduate student. She was jury in 4 academic examinations. Recently she was Guest Editor of 2 special issues in ISI scientific journals (in Toxics and Environments journals - both MDPI journals) and reviewer in several others. She was awarded 2 certificates of reviewing in recognition of the work made for the Env. Pollution journal.