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Biografia completa

I graduated in Environmental Sciences from Évora University in 2001 and obtained my MSc degree in Applied Analytical Chemistry from FC-UL in 2004. In 2012, I completed my PhD in Energy and Bioenergy entitled “Study of deposit formation and agglomeration of ash during the combustion of biomass in a fluidized bed and co-combustion with coal to minimize its occurrence” from FCT-UNL. Overall, my research activities have been mainly focussed on bioenergy and CO2 capture & utilization technologies, being supported by an interdisciplinary and growing background in the chemical engineering and metrology in chemistry. From 2001 to 2015, I developed activities at LNEG in the areas of fuels & biofuels characterization and thermochemical conversion (TCC). I acquired know-how in biomass and ash/biochar’ properties and impact on TCC (experimental and modelling using FACTSAGE® software to predict ash related problems). I also participated in national projects such as “BIMETAL: Study of heavy metals during thermochemical conversion of wastes” and “BiomAshTech: Ash impacts during thermo-chemical conversion of biomass”, and international projects such as “Co-Combustion of meat and bone meal in coal power plants” and “COPOWER: Synergy effects of co- processing of biomass with coal and non-toxic wastes for heat and power generation”. In 2007, I integrated the JRC-IRMM European program for life-long learning for Metrology in Chemistry (TrainMiC®). Since then, I am a TrainMiC® trainer (16 courses) and an independent trainer for metrology in chemistry (> 400 h; academia/ industry). Since 2016, I am a researcher on CO2 capture (development of enhanced solid sorbents) and valorisation (solar-driven thermochemical energy storage by Ca-looping process and CO2 methanation) at CATHPRO/CQE-IST. I participated in national projects, such as “CaReCI: Carbon Emissions Reduction in the Cement Industry”, which was a collaboration with Cimpor and Galrão, cement and marble industries, respectively; and “SoCalTES: Solar-driven Ca-Looping Process for Thermochemical Energy Storage”. I also collaborate with c5Lab - Sustainable Construction Materials Association in the area of CCS. In 2022, I had access to MSSF solar infrastructures (international research stay at CNRS-PROMES, France) and I was team member of a recently approved project for accessing ZecoMix pilot plant (ENEA, Italy), in the scope of SFERA III and ECCSELERATE programs, respectively. Since 2022, I am an Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of IST.. Since my PhD, I have developed abilities and skills as reviewer/guest editor of international journal(s), evaluator of international funding applications, supervisor and/or mentor of undergrad, MSc and PhD students, jury in MSc thesis evaluation committees and MSc/post-doc fellowship positions, developer/writer of research project proposals for application to national and international funding calls. I also participated in the organisation of scientific meetings, dissemination activities, outreach initiatives. My achievements track record includes peer-reviewed scientific publications (17), preprint scientific publications (4), book chapters (2), and international/national conferences (42).