Maria Teresa Condesso de Melo
Interesses científicos
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Ciências da Terra e Ciências do Ambiente
Perfis externos
Produção científica
Conheça este autor através da sua biografia.
M. Teresa CONDESSO DE MELO graduated in Geology from the University of Coimbra (UC, Coimbra, Portugal) in 1992 and was awarded an ERASMUS Postgraduation grant by the ERASMUS Hydrology and Water Management Interuniversity Cooperation Programme in 1993 to carry out a specialization in Groundwater Hydrology (Curso Internacional de Hidrologia Subterránea, UPC, Barcelona). She completed her MSc in Groundwater Hydrology at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Barcelona, Spain) in 1996 and her PhD in Geosciences (Hydrogeology) with a sandwich PhD project at the Hydrogeology Group of the British Geological Survey (BGS, Wallingford, UK) and the University of Aveiro (UA, Aveiro, Portugal) in 2002. She joined IST in 2007 where she has a contract as a researcher and collaborates on teaching (Groundwater Pollution and Hydrogeology courses). Since 2015 she has been collaborating actively with her colleagues from IST, UNESCO-IHE and TU Dresden for Erasmus+ Joint Master Programme in Groundwater and Global Change - Impacts and Adaptation (GroundwatCH).