Susana Alves de Sousa e Silva Gomes

Susana Alves de Sousa e Silva Gomes


Susana Alves de Sousa e Silva Gomes has a graduate and Msc in Química Tecnológica and a PhD in Conservação e Restauro do Património Cultural (Ciências da Conservação. Currently, she has been Junior Researcher position at C2TN, where she developed and optimize the analytical methodology for elemental composition determination in copper-based alloys standards.

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Biografia completa

Susana Alves de Sousa e Silva Gomes has a graduation (5 years degree) and MSc (pre-Bologna) in Química Tecnológica at Faculty of Sciences of University of Lisbon. Her PhD was completed in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (Conservation Sciences) at NOVA in 2018 entitled "O chumbo no Ocidente Peninsular em Época Romana: proveniência e técnicas metalúrgicas", focused on provenance and metallurgical techniques used to manufacture lead artefacts (mostly pipes and projectiles) from the Late Republican Period to the Empire in western Iberian Peninsula. During this time, she received a wide-ranging training in theory and practice of analytical chemistry which allow her to develop and implement a wide range of analytical methodologies. During her PhD, she developed interdisciplinary skills to study the preservation of our cultural heritage focused on the investigating such materials composition to understand their provenances (ore deposits), trades routes and manufacturing techniques. From 2013 to 2018, she prepared and finished her PhD dissertation (FCT grant SFRH/BD/88002/2012, international competitive call) in archaeometallurgical research, where she developed and optimized overall analytical procedures (including sample collection and preparation) to accomplish minor and trace elemental and lead isotopic analysis using complementary techniques as ICP-MS, EDXRF and PIXE. Besides, she carried out the integration of several hundred results of analysed samples within an interdisciplinary approach together with archaeological, chronological and geological data, which allowed the characterization of ore sources, identification of probable trade routes as well as manufacturing processes. She has pursued the study of Roman collections (lead amphora labels discovered in Arade River submitted in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences and lead metallurgy workshop submitted in Technart 2023 International Conference) to identify lead sources and/or metallurgical processes, allowing to widespread the understanding on the ancient metallurgy in western Roman provinces. The scientific work results in eight published articles in International journals with peer-review, h-index 8, four as first author (34 citations) and one as co-author (3 citations) in Conservation Sciences, five oral communication (two invited), four poster communications. As an expert in elemental analysis by mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and in collaboration with other research groups, she had three papers as co-author and 76 citations in the field of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Since 2018, she has been involved in outreach activities: attendance in “Science dating powered by C2TN” in European Researchers Night; International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 and International Music Day 2022. Also, she was been involved in sustainability and Science Communication groups, and Social medium management. Since May 2022, she started, as Junior Researcher at C2TN, the program contract signed between FCT and IST-ID concerning the research plan a new interpretative approach to the technological evolution and provenance of copper in ancient societies of southern Portugal.