Victoria Corregidor Berdasco
Interesses científicos
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Engenharia dos Materiais
Perfis externos
Produção científica
Conheça este autor através da sua biografia.
V. Corregidor received her PhD in Physics in 2003 by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She has a Master Degree in Solar Energy (2006) by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and a Master Degree in Radiation Protection and Safety (2018) by Universidade de Lisboa-Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). During 2009 she was hired as R&D manager by the private company WS Energia, leader in low concentration photovoltaic devices. VC was responsible for the QREN candidature (n.005399) with a EUR 663,409 approved budget and she was advisor of several students. During the PhD she participated in a European project funded by the ESA being Spaniard responsible for the characterization of the 3 CdTe crystals grown in microgravity during the STS-95 mission. From 2003 to 2005, VC joined a European Research Training Network as postdoctoral researcher at the former Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear (ITN) in Portugal, to characterize photoelectric cells using Ion Beam Analytical (IBA) techniques. From 2005 to 2008, VC obtained a postdoctoral position at Solar Energy Institute-Polytechnic University of Madrid focused in the manufactured of thermophotovoltaic solar cells and she lectured Basic Electronics. In August 2009, under Ciência contract (5 years), VC became responsible for the external proton microbeam set-up, focusing their applications to the characterization of cultural heritage objects. In that period, VC was co-supervisor for one PhD student and a MSc student (finished June 2014) being the first MSc thesis in the IST applying IBA techniques to study cultural heritage artefacts. During December 2014-2018 VC was hired as Invited researcher by the IPFN-IST lecturing also at Physics Department of IST. The work was focused on data analysis of erosion/deposition and retention properties in the ITER Like Wall in JET, the only operating fusion device licensed for handling tritium and therefore capable of conducting experiments with deuterium-tritium plasmas. During 2019, at C2TN, VC was involved in researching advance materials for solar cell (perovskites and CIGS), and studying CH objects thanks to the outputs of previous experience. Since April 2021 VC has a permanent contract as auxiliary Researcher at C2TN-IST being an opportunity to return to the nuclear microprobe and its application to the materials science. VC is co-author of 1 book, 1 book chapter, 90 articles in peer reviewed journals and proceedings and co-editor of 3 books of proceedings. VC gave in total 20 oral and 46 poster presentations at international conferences. She was co-chair of 1 conference and joined the scientific committee of 5. Besides these recorded data, VC has participated in research colloquia, seminars at international Universities, schools, television program and journal articles for a broad audience. VC has joined 16 research projects from competitive funding (7 European). VC has oriented 1 PhD and 3 MSc (1 in progress), was examiner in 2 PhD and 4MSc degree boards and acts as referee in more than 25 journals and 2 foreign funding agencies.