Joaquim Miguel Badalo Branco
Main Research area: Catalysis Other scientific specializations include inorganic and organometallic chemistry of actinides and lanthanides. Main goals: i) Applications of f-block elements as catalysts, catalytic precursors or additives; ii) Elimination and valorization of primary gaseous pollutants, e.g. N2O, CO2 or CH4, using them as carbon sources for the production of added value chemicals with applications in the energetic sector, e.g. as fuels.
Interesses científicos
- Development of new low-temperature catalyst synthesis methodologies: preparation of nanostructured high specific surface areas catalysts containing f-block elements (lanthanides
- uranium
- and thorium) and d-block elements (Cu
- Ni
- Co
- Fe
- Ga
- In)
- Activation and valorization of gaseous pollutants
- namely CO2
- CH4 and N2O aiming at the synthesis of important added value products
- e.g.
- methane
- C2 hydrocarbons
- methanol
- syngas
- or hydrogen for the chemical and energy industries.
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Perfis externos
Produção científica
Conheça este autor através da sua biografia.
Master's Degree in Catalytic Processes (Very Good, congratulations from the Jury), specialty catalysis, awarded by Instituto Superior Técnico / UTL (1988, Lisbon / Portugal). Title “Contribuição para o estudo das propriedades de algumas ligas de terras raras, ferro ou níquel, e do composto intermetálico LaNi5”. Experimental work developed and carried out at the “Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS” under the guidance of Danielle Ballivet Tkatchenko and António Pires de Matos; JNICT/LNETI fellowship 9 months. Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal ( Doctorate in Chemistry / European Label (Trés Honorable avec Félicitations du Jury), specialty catalysis, awarded by the Paul Sabatier University (1994, Toulouse/France). Work performed at the “Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS” under the supervision of Danielle Ballivet Tkatchenko and António Pires de Matos; 36-month EEC scholarship (BRITE EURAM-BREU 900287). Title “ Contribution a la Valorisation de Composés Intermétalliques Nickel- et Cuivre-Terres Rares en Catalyse d´Hydrogénation”. scanR | Contribution à la valorisation de composés intermétalliques nickel- et cuivre-terres rares en catalyse d’hydrogénation ( Metrics / International recognition Orcid number: 0000-0002-1220-2676 Researcher id: J-6110-2013 ISI-web of knowledge (Basic search): Author; Branco J OR Branco JB OR Joaquim Branco; Address; Bobadela OR Sacavem OR Toulouse; Publications: 46 (1995-2022, 28 years; 37 Q1; 24 1º author); H-Index 15 (14.17 average per item); Times cited 652; 503 without-self-citations; Citing articles 474; 440 without self-citations; H Index Platinum, 8,2 Google Scholar (Joaquim Branco - Google Académico): Citations 823; H-Index 15; i10-Index 30); Since 2017 (citations 452; H-Index 12; i10-Index 18) SCOPUS (7006824538; Branco, Joaquim Badalo - Author details - Scopus): 45 documents, 641 citations, H-Index 14. Publons (Joaquim Branco | Publons): Publications 36; Total times cited 586; H-Index 14; verified reviews 25 International recognition K-Index, 5.3 The K index value shows that the work developed had a very good international reception/recognition. The chart that can be consulted on Publons (Citation map | Publons) corroborates this conclusion and certifies the internationalization of the work developed.