Eduardo Nuno Brito Santos Júlio
Full professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) (2011/-). President of CERIS. President of GPBE. Honorary member and fellow of fib. Fellow of ‘Ordem dos Engenheiros’.
Interesses científicos
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Engenharia Civil
Perfis externos
Produção científica
Conheça este autor através da sua biografia.
Full professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) (2011/-); formerly affiliated to the University of Coimbra (UC) (1990/2011), where he kept a collaboration as invited full professor (2011/2014). He taught undergraduate, master’s and doctoral courses in Portugal, Brazil and Angola. He launched (2004) the master's course in ‘Rehabilitation of the Built Environment’ at UC. He promoted the establishment of ‘Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering’ (ISISE) research centre (2007) (UC and UMinho). He was president of ICIST (2013/2014) research centre and boosted the launch of CERIS research centre. As CERIS current president, he established hubs at both NOVA and UC. He was one of the promoters of C5Lab collaborative laboratory, being member of the Scientific Council. Leader or team member in > 30 research projects funded by FCT, ANI, IAPMEI and industry. Supervised 16 PhD theses and 60 MSc dissertations. Author > 500 publications, 158 listed in Scopus (h-index=39). Included in the 'World's Top 2% Scientists list', by Stanford University, in the 'Single Year' category, in 2020 and 2021, and in the 'Career' category, in 2021. He was the first editor-in-chief of ‘Advances in Concrete Construction’ international journal, associate-editor of the Brazilian ‘IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal’ and editor-in-chief of the Portuguese ‘Construção Magazine’. He serves regularly as reviewer for > 70 international journals. Active participation in international (fib, IABSE, ICOMOS), European (COST, CEN), North-American (ACI, TRB) and national (APEE, GPBE, ASCP) associations. Current member of fib COM 2, COM 4, COM 8 and COM 9 and convenor of fib TG 4.4 and TG 8.1. Editor of fib bulletins 102 and 103. Chair of fib Lisbon Symposium 2021. President of the Portuguese fib group (GPBE) and, thus, head of delegation, member of the General Assembly and member of the Technical Council of fib. fib honorary life member and fib fellow. He was partner of GIPAC design office and founding partner of SBE spin-off. Through ACIV and FUNDEC, he delivered > 100 specialized consulting studies for several public and private entities, in Portugal and abroad, such as the World Monuments Fund and the Itaipu Dam (Brazil). He has been CEO of Fundiestamo, a public company responsible for launching and managing the National Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Built Environment. Fellow member of ‘Ordem dos Engenheiros’, the Portuguese Engineers Association.