Luís Guilherme De Picado Santos
Interesses científicos
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Engenharia Civil
Perfis externos
Produção científica
Conheça este autor através da sua biografia.
Luis Picado Santos is Full Professor of Transport and Infrastructures at Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa. He is Director of the Doctoral Program in Transportation Systems under the auspicious of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)-Portugal program and involving MIT and two other Portuguese schools. From January 2013 to September 9th 2015 was President of the Research Center for Urban and Regional Systems. He is Director of the Highways and Transport Experimental Laboratory. Until February 2010, he was Associate Professor with habilitation of Transportation and Highways at Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Coimbra where he led the Laboratory of Road Pavement Mechanics. Under his supervision is on-going a major IR&D project financed by the Industry, several short term IR&D projects for agencies and industry and three Phd students. Luis was member of the technical committee TCD.1 “Asset Management” da World Road Association-PIARC (2008-2012) and was chair of the committee “Infrastructure Security and Safety” of the International Society for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transport Infrastructures (2011-2013). Since 1995, Luis has supervised 15 concluded PhD, 38 MSc dissertations on pavement mechanics, asset management, traffic management and road safety (specially in urban environments). In the same period he was in charge of several research (14) and technology transfer to industry (20) projects conducted on the same themes. He is author of more than 300 international publications including 35 articles on international peer reviewed journals (ISI and/or SCOPUS). Luis was the chairman of the 3rd European Conference on Pavement and Asset Management, held on 2008 at Coimbra and co-Chairman of the XV Ibero-Latin-Americam Asphalt Congress held on 2009 at Lisbon. He is currently Chairman of the Steering Committee of the European Conference on Pavement and Asset Management series and Vice-Chairman of the 9th International Conference on Managing Pavement Assets held in Alexandria, Washington-USA. He is a registered Transportation Specialist and Senior Professional Engineer in the Portuguese Engineers Society. He has had for more than 25 years and also has an intense consultancy activity in highways engineering, pavement mechanics, asset maintenance management, and road safety to several national and local agencies and to the private sector.