TP is a research professor at IST with a large experience in biological imaging using micro-analytical techniques for elemental and molecular characterization of cells and tissues using high-energy particle accelerators and synchrotron radiation. Mainly current and ongoing research and collaborations cover biomedical related areas centred in the study of cellular uptake of metal compounds and nanoparticles for cancer therapy. These studies encompass bioimaging and cell irradiation using focused proton beams generated by research accelerators.
Interesses científicos
- Biological imaging: Micro-analytical techniques for elemental and molecular characterization of cells and tissues using high-energy particle accelerators and synchrothron radiation
- Biomedicine: metal compounds and nanoparticles as radiosensitizers for cancer therapy
- Biomedine/Biophysics: cardiovascular diseases biomarkers towards personalized medicine
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Ciências Biológicas
Perfis externos
Produção científica
Conheça este autor através da sua biografia.
Teresa Pinheiro received the Doctorate (PhD.) in Biology, from Universidade de Lisboa in January of 1995 with the dissertation “Biologia dos Elementos Vestigiais na Aterosclerose”. She is presently a Principal Researcher at the Department of Engineering and Nuclear Sciences (DECN), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa and a member of iBB (Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences). The applicant is also an Invited Professor at the IST Physics Department (DF) where she is the responsible of the Biophysics Course since 2011/2012. She is also teaching Biological Effects of Radiation (EBR) of the Master in Radiation Protection and Safety of DECN since 2016/2017. The biological and biomedical applications of nuclear technology have been, and still are, TP´s main area of research. TP work covers a broad variety of knowledge that stems on Biology and Physics applied to a variety of topics in Environmental Sciences, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Toxicology, Environmental Health and Medical Specialties, among others. These activities reflect her ability to organize and motivate multidisciplinary teams, and to promote international collaborative work bridging the gaps between Physics and Biomedicine. In particular, the collaborations with medical teams have contributed to relevant scientific outcomes with high social impact, mainly in the areas of cardiology and dermatology, and have shown how useful specific biomarkers can be for personalized medicine, radioprotection and to evaluate the safety for consumers of products containing nanoparticles, at the European level. Besides the research activities in biomedicine, TP’s main scientific interests are presently focused on the exploitation of imaging capabilities of nuclear microprobes and synchrotron radiation, in particular to study the interaction of metallic nanosized particles and complexes, which may be useful in therapy and diagnostic, with the cellular structures of living cells. MAIN SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS 1) Pioneering work on biomedical applications of Nuclear Microscopy; 2) First toxicological evaluation of nanoparticles in human tissues; 3) Three-Dimensional Nuclear Microscopy; 4) Cell irradiation - radiosensitizers for proton therapy (Boron compounds and nanoparticles).