Carlos Alberto Nogueira Garcia da Silva

Carlos Alberto Nogueira Garcia da Silva


Interesses científicos

Área de Especialização (FOS)


Perfis externos

Produção científica


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Biografia completa

Graduated in Physics Engineering by IST (1992), where he also received the following academic degrees in Physics: Master (1995), PhD (2000) and Habilitation (2013). His research is focused on edge physics, multi-scale turbulent transport and diagnostic development in fusion devices. The work is performed in devices such as ISTTOK (Portugal), TJ-II (Spain), AUG (Germany) and JET (UK), where he regularly participates in experimental campaigns. His research methodology combines data analysis with diagnostic operation and development. He is co-author of about 180 publications in international scientific journals with referee, twenty four of them as first author (h factor of 35 with about 4000 citations).