José Filipe Bastos
Student in Physics at IST in Lisbon with a solid and multidisciplinary education in Physics and Engineering Physics after concluding the Masters program in MEFT in February 2022, also at IST. Enroled in IST's Doctoral Programme in Physics since February 2023, under the Supervision of Joaquim Silva-Marcos and the Co-Supervision of Gustavo C. Branco and Francisco Botella. Currently, my area of study is Particle Physics, more concretely extensions of the Standard Model with vector-like fermions, multi-Higgs models and others.
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I am a student in Physics at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon with a solid and multidisciplinary education in Physics and Engineering Physics after concluding the Masters program in MEFT (Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Física Tecnológica) in February 2022, also at IST. My Masters study was focused on the scientific area of Particle and Nuclear Physics and my Masters thesis “Minimal solutions to the CKM unitarity problem with a vector-like quark isosinglet” was centered on the topic of Physics Beyond Standard Model, in particular, on extensions of the SM with vector-like quark (VLQ) isosinglets. Currently, I am enroled in IST's Doctoral Programme in Physics since February 2023, under the Supervision of Joaquim Silva-Marcos and the Co-Supervision of Gustavo C. Branco and Francisco Botella. My area of study is Particle Physics, more concretely New Physics beyond the Standard Model, extensions of the Standard Model with vector-like fermions, multi-Higgs models and others. During the past two and a half years I have been receiving training and doing research at the CFTP (Centro de Física Teórica de Partículas) of the Department of Physics of IST under the supervision of Joaquim Silva-Marcos, but I also have been intensively collaborating with Gustavo Castelo Branco, M. Nesbitt Rebelo from CFTP and Francisco J. Botella from Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and the University of Valencia. This collaboration resulted in the paper “Decays of the Heavy Top and New Insights on epsilon_K in a one-VLQ Minimal Solution to the CKM Unitarity Problem”. Moreover, along with Branco and Silva-Marcos I have another published paper titled "Do the Small Numbers in the Quark Mixing arise from New Physics?". More recently, I have been also working with Francisco Albergaria (and Branco and Silva-Marcos) in other ideas related to VLQs and Weak Basis Invariants, one of which resulted in another paper titled "CP-odd and CP-even Weak-Basis Invariants in the Presence of Vector-Like Quarks". Last year, I participated in two international activities/conferences: the Invisibles22 School in Orsay and FLASY 2022 in Lisbon. I look forward to continue doing research in the field of theoretical Particle Physics and Physics Beyond the Standard Model at CFTP with the ambition of, ultimately, pursuing a career as a researcher in these scientific areas.