Luís Gonçalo Andrade Rodrigues Alves

Luís Gonçalo Andrade Rodrigues Alves


Interesses científicos

Área de Especialização (FOS)


Perfis externos

Produção científica


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Biografia completa

Luis G. Alves graduated from the Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal) in 2007 with a M.Sc. in Chemistry, in conjunction with an Erasmus Internship, carried out at the Technical University of Vienna (Austria) under the supervision of Prof. Karl Kirchner. The Ph.D. degree in Chemistry was obtained in 2012 from the Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal) under the supervision of Prof. Ana M. Martins. A short-term stay at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung (Germany) led to the acknowledgment of his Ph.D. thesis with a European honour. Luis G. Alves was awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal to carry out research under the supervision of Prof. Ana M. Martins and Prof. Nuno Maulide at the Centre for Structural Chemistry - University of Lisbon (Portugal) from 2013 to 2018. During this period, he was also a Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Organic Chemistry - University of Vienna (Austria). In 2018 he signed a six-year Researcher contract with the Association of Instituto Superior Técnico for Research and Development (Portugal). His current research interests involve the development of novel compounds derived from azamacrocycles for biological applications. Luis Alves carries out independent research within the Bioinorganic Chemistry and Drug Development Group (CQE-IST.ID) headed by Prof. João Costa Pessoa.