Susana Isabel Pinheiro Cardoso de Freitas
Interesses científicos
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Perfis externos
Produção científica
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Susana Cardoso de Freitas (born 1973) received a PhD degree in Physics Engineering from the Instituto Superior Tecnico (Lisbon) in 2002. Presently is a senior researcher at INESC-MN and the co-leader of the Magnetics & Spintronics group. She is also an Associated professor at the Physics Department (IST-Lisbon). She is co-author of over 300 publications (researcher ID: B-6199-2013). Since 2002, she has coordinated 7 national projects, managed the INESC-MN participation in 4 training networks (Marie-Curie and ITN), and has been involved in several EU projects related with sensors. She is the responsible for the services provided by INESC-MN to external partners (academia and industry). Her research interests include advanced thin film deposition, magnetoresistive sensors (materials and microfabrication) and micromachining of integrated systems (microfluidics, chip mounting, discrete components).