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Biografia completa

Filipe Moura is an Assistant Professor of Transportation Systems in the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the Instituto Superior Técnico. He coordinates 4 courses (and lectures another 6) of the MSc of Civil Engineering, MSc of Transportation, MSc of Urban Planning and the doctoral program in Transportation Systems. His research focuses the following topics: "sustainable mobility", “active modes”, "travel behaviour modelling", "technology diffusion in transport systems" and "social aspects of transportation". His research results are published in more than 65 papers and communications, including 20 articles published in journals (cited in ISI Web of Knowledge) and besides 27 master's dissertations and 6 doctoral dissertations (plus 6 ongoing). Currently, he is supervising a series of individual projects related to pedestrian behaviour in transport interfaces, potential for intercity intermodality, social exclusion and transport poverty, and uncertainty analysis in transport demand. Filipe was awarded a Fulbright grant for his sabbatical at the Portland State University (Oregon, USA), for the academic year of 2017/2018, where he will be doing research with Doctor Kelly J. Clifton on Active Urban Mobility and Latent Mobility Demand. He also supports private companies and public institutions of the transport sector, as a consultant. He is an expert of the European Commission (INEA) for the Smart Cities and Communities projects. Filipe holds a PhD in Transportation Systems from the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon, having developed part of his research at the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).