Sandra Isabel das Neves Heleno da Silva
Interesses científicos
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Ciências da Terra e Ciências do Ambiente
Perfis externos
Produção científica
Conheça este autor através da sua biografia.
Biografia completa
Sandra Heleno, born 1971, in Lisbon, Portugal. I graduated in Physics Engineering and Technology at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/ULisboa), and hold a Ph.D. in Physics Engineering from the same institution. From 1996 to 2008, as a FCT fellow, I conducted research in the area of volcanic seismology. From 2008 to 2013, as a CIÊNCIA Researcher at IST, I coordinated research projects in remote sensing and hazards (urban subsidence, floods). Since 2013 I work at CERENA (IST), coordinating and participating in several projects related with remote sensing and natural hazards (landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, climate change).