José Paulo Sequeira Farinha

José Paulo Sequeira Farinha


José Paulo Farinha completed his PhD in Chemical Engineering (Technical University of Lisboa, 1996) and a postdoc in Polymer and Colloid Chemistry (University of Toronto, 1997-1999). He is Full Professor of Physical-Chemistry, Materials and Nanosciences, at the Chemical Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico.

Interesses científicos

Área de Especialização (FOS)

Engenharia dos Materiais

Perfis externos

Produção científica


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Biografia completa

ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS -Since 2023: Full Professor of Physical-Chemistry, Materials and Nanosciences at the Chemical Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon (DEQ-IST) -Since 2021: Coordinator of Tecnico Advanced Materials, interdepartmental structure of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) -Since 2020: Coordinator of group 8 (Photoactive Molecules, Photonics and Functional Materials) of Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE) -Since 2020: Group leader of the Optical and Multifunctional Materials (OM2) group at IST -2021-2023: Associate Professor with Aggregation of Physical-Chemistry, Materials and Nanosciences at DEQ-IST -2021-2022: Visiting Professor, Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung, Dresden -2017-2021: Associate Professor of Project and Processes at DEQ-IST -2001-2016: Assistant Professor with tenure at DEQ-IST -2002: Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto -1996-2001: Assistant Professor at DEQ-IST -1997-1999: PostDoc fellow at the University of Toronto (Department of Chemistry, Polymer and Colloid Chemistry Group, with Prof. M. A. Winnik) -1992-1996: Assistant lecturer at DEQ-IST -1990-1995: Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (cum laude) by the Technical University of Lisbon (supervised by Prof. Gaspar Martinho). -1985-1990: Graduated in Chemical Engineering (final grade 17/20) by IST, Lisbon. SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Polymers and functional nanomaterials, and their interaction with light: - Controlled radical polymerization; polymerization in emulsion and mini-emulsion; stimuli responsive (smart) polymers. - Nanomaterials: metallic, semiconductor, silica and hybrid nanostructured materials. - Characterization of the interaction with light by static and dynamic fluorescence; static and dynamic light scattering (SLS, DLS, NTA); and by laser scanning microscopy. Development of light emitting materials for imaging and diagnostics, multifunctional systems for controlled delivery/capture at the nano-scale, optical sensors, high performance polymer coatings, structural color materials, aerogels, etc. TRACK RECORD Published >120 papers in international peer review journals (WoS), with h-index 32 and >2500 citations (>55% as corresponding author, of which >60% in Q1 journals and >90% in journals with Impact Factor >3). Also published 5 book chapters, >250 communications in scientific meeting proceedings, presented >70 orals and filled 26 patents (18 of which international). PROJECTS Participated in 27 Financed Research Projects, of which 9 as Principal Investigator, 8 as Principal Investigator of the IST team and 4 as Task Leader. Total funding of 18.4 M€ (80% foreign investment), of which ca. 4.5 M€ for IST. SUPERVISION Supervised 2 contract researchers, 12 postdocs researchers, 22 PhD students (9 finished, 4 ongoing and 9 short stays), >35 MSc students, and >25 students is research projects. AWARDS -2023: Invited Professor, Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung, Germany -2021: Invited Professor, Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung, Germany -2020: Excellent Professor, Surfaces Interfaces and Colloids, IST -2017: Excellent Professor, Chemistry, IST -2016: Excellent Professor, Chemistry, IST -2003: Solvay Ideas Challenge - First Prize -2002: Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto -2001: 3M Innovation in Industry First Prize 1990: PhD fellowship, JNICT-Portugal -1988, 1989: Research undergrad fellowship, INIC-Portugal OTHER ACTIVITIES -Since 2016: Coordinator of BSc and MSc programs in Materials Engineering, IST -2011-2014: President of the Photophysics Group, Portuguese Chemical Society