Artur Jorge Louzeiro Malaquias
• ITER-Garching JWS, (2000/2004) • IAEA Vienna (2004/2009) • EFDA (2009/2013) • ITER Professional Associate (2018/2020) • ITER Fellow (2018/2021) • Technical Advisory Panel membership (2016-2018) and (2022- to present) • Systems Engineer for DEMO (2021 – on going) • Scientific Secretary for: Scientific Secretary: IAEA FEC (2004, 2006 and 2008) Scientific Secretary: 16 IAEA TCM (2004/2009) Project Responsible: 3 IAEA RCP and 1 TC Project • Prizes: ANACOM (2022), Excellent Teacher (2021), Co-Laureate Peace Nobel Prize (2005)
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Email: Scopus Author ID 6603940109; National Positions held 1989 – Post-Graduate Fellow at the Universidade of Evora 1990 – Post-Graduated Fellow at Centro de Fusão Nuclear (Instituto Superior Tecnico) 1991-1993 - Earlier Assistant at Instituto Superior Técnico 1993-1999 - Assistant at Instituto Superior Técnico 2000-2022 – Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico Contribution to the teaching activities at IST (summary) i) Academic activity summary: Teaching Evaluations average score, QUC: 8 out of 9 • Teaching at IST since 1991 (as assistant professor since 2000) until the present date (full exception period for 4 years mobility to ITER Central Team in Garching (2000 – 2003) and 5 years leave permit to work at the IAEA – Vienna Headquarters (2004 – 2009)) • Lectures at PhD level were given regularly in the years covering the period 2011 – 2015 for the Joint Ph.D Programme on Fusion Science and Engineering, for the Applause Doctoral Programme. • University Management Contribution: Responsible for the development and operation of the “basic physics courses experiments” in the laboratorial Installations at TAGUS park (2021 to date) ii) Teaching and Research Materials Developed: • Computer simulation for the Tomson experiment (used in classes) • 27 videos and 11 revised experiment guiding texts in support of the laboratory classes. • Produced course material on the “Heavy Ion Beam Diagnostic” and “Integration of diagnostics in ITER” for the Joint Ph.D Programme on Fusion Science and Engineering and for the Applause Doctoral Programme. • Design, Construction and Commissioning of the Heavy Ion Beam Diagnostic facility in ISTTOK • Presently elaborating a new experimental curricular unity for supporting the teaching of Master classes based on a new experimental installation to produce and control electron beams and ion beams in cooperation between IPFN and CTN. Supervision of Master and PhD Students: • Supervisor/Co-supervisor of 4 PhD students and 2 Master students 2 – Research Activities (description) Research Activities at IPFN I am responsible for the Heavy Ion Beam Diagnostic and team supervisor. ITER Secondment During the period from Jan 2000 – Dec 2003 I was seconded to the ITER Joint Central Team in Garching bei Muenchen. I was responsible for coordinating the physics studies, conceptual design and integration of the active and passive spectroscopic diagnostics (CXRS, MSE, UV, XUV and imaging hard X-ray) and the vacuum extended diagnostic systems (NPA, VUV). Work at the IAEA (period in leave permit Jan 2004- Jan 2009) I was the project responsible for the IAEA Fusion sub-programme. The work was addressing three main activities: i) IAEA Regular Budget for Cooperation – Responsible for the planning and monitoring of the Coordinated Research Projects (RCMs) in Fusion involving Institutes and Universities from several countries (10-14 per project). I was the initiator of the IAEA Joint Experiments organized under my responsibility (Castor 2005, T-10 2006, ISTTOK 2007). ii) Technical Cooperation (TC) Projects – Technical responsible for the TC project on “Laboratory for material testing based on plasma-focus” - Warsaw, Poland iii) Knowledge dissemination and outreach: • Scientific Secretary for 3 editions of the Fusion Energy Conference (Vilamoura 2004, Chengdu 2006, Geneva 2008 – 50 years of fusion). • Scientific Secretary for the IAEA Technical Meeting Series in Fusion (2004-2008) EFDA Secondment The research projects under my responsibility were: o Dust and Tritium Management - Dust Inventory and Removal o Dust and Tritium Management - Tritium Inventory and Removal o Evaluation of the Status and Prospects of High Temperature Superconducting Magnets for Possible Potential Applications in Future Fusion Reactors. The education projects under my responsibility were: ITER Port Plug Engineering (ITER_PPE) European Training Network on Quality in Project Management (ETN_QPM) Remote Handling (RH) ITER Professional Associate (2018 – 2020) During this period I was responsible a) To manage the design of the Neutral Particle Analyzer (NPA) through regular meetings and document preparation. b) To coordinate the design and integration of X-ray advanced detectors. c) To develop from scratch to procurement the Be windows project.