Horácio João Matos Fernandes
My scientific research is focused on nuclear fusion devices diagnostics and their real-time control and operation. I have started to operate one of the earlier existing remote controlled physics laboratories in operation since 1999 related to my interest in electronic instrumentation.
Interesses científicos
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Perfis externos
Produção científica
Conheça este autor através da sua biografia.
Horácio Fernandes is associated professors with aggregation at the Physic Department of IST were he start his academic career by 1990 were he teach from basic physics to electronic instrumentation. Since then has been a researcher at Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (formerly Centro de Fusão Nuclear, the Portuguese Euratom Association). Presently is the scientific coordinator of the ISTTOK tokamak and coordinator of the Experimental Physics Group at IPFN. His scientific research is focused on fusion devices diagnostics (tomography, hard X-rays, magnetic probes) and real-time control and operation. As such he had collaborate in developing (i) the remote participation framework for the operation of fusion devices (FireSignal), (ii) the connector for generic data retrieve (SDAS) and (iii) defining some hardware development requirements. Those systems are under operation in some tokamaks (ISTTOK, COMPASS, JET, TCABr, ETE). He had a former grant agreement from IAEA and presently is responsible for a IAEA research contract agreement. More recently touch some studies for new facing material, namely functional materials of Cu-nanoDiamond and W-nanoDiamond and liquid metals (Gallium and Lithium/Tin alloys ). Having a complementary academic activity in Electronic Instrumentation he have started to operate one of the earlier existing remote controlled physics laboratories for physics education in operation since 1999 and presently with more than 20 experiments at IST and 10 distributed abroad. At IST have performed various academic positions from director of the student’s union till vice-president of the Physics department. He have served as a board member of the Technical Advisor Panel (TAP) from Fusion for Energy (F4E) for six years and nominated as an expert to assess the Thai Fusion Program by the IAEA. He supervised more than 35 students, including six PhD theses. One of them succeeds in winning the prize “Prof. António da Silveira” awarded by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and another won the Luís Vidigal Award for the best MsT IST Thesis on Electrical and Computer Engineering. The academic activity of the author has been accomplished with a regular outreach activity either by receiving visiting public to ISTTOK or giving public talks. Moreover he created the PlasmaSurf Summer School and promotes every semester an Athens course on remote laboratories or Plasma Physics (athensprogramme). Because he has a strong associative believe, he served as well as a member of the FUSENET (http://www.fusenet.eu/) steering committee and academic advisory board. Main scientific area of research: General area: Nuclear Fusion Specific area: Tokomak research; Engineering of fusion devices, electronic instrumentation, control and data acquisition systems, nuclear fusion plasma diagnostics. Educational projects The author is presently the local coordinator of the “JOINT EUROPEAN RESEARCH DOCTORATE IN FUSION SCIENCE” belonging to the “ENGINEERING AND EUROPEAN DOCTORAL NETWORK”. More recently this doctoral school had joint the Fusion-DC Erasmus Mundus consortium. In 2011 he had become a member of the FUSENET (http://www.fusenet.eu/) steering committee and after that period the ULisboa representative on the General Assembly.