António Cândido Lampreia Pereira Gonçalves

António Cândido Lampreia Pereira Gonçalves


Área de Especialização (FOS)

Engenharia dos Materiais

Perfis externos

Produção científica


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Biografia completa

Dr. António Pereira Gonçalves is a Full Researcher of the Department of Engineering and Nuclear Sciences of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon University. He obtained his PhD in Chemistry in 1996 at IST, on intermetallic uranium compounds. His research interests are in the fields of Solid State Chemistry, Materials Science, Exploratory synthesis, Phase diagram studies, Design of new materials, Nanostructured materials, Actinide and Rare Earth Intermetallics, Pnictide and Chalcogenide compounds, Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems, Thermoelectric materials and Nuclear materials for peaceful applications. Currently, he is working on uranium compounds for fundamental and applied studies and on compounds and thermoelectric systems for waste heat recovery. Dr. António Pereira Gonçalves has authored or co-authored more than 250 publications in peer review journals, having more than 350 conference presentations (22 invited). Since 2017 he is the Coordinator of the Platform for Nanotechnology and Materials of IST.