António Manuel Rocha Paulo

António Manuel Rocha Paulo


António Paulo (AP) obtained a graduation degree in Chemical Engineering (IST, 1985) and a PhD degree in Chemistry (IST, 1998). He started his scientific activity at INETI/ICEN in 1985, as a research fellow. One year later, in 1987, António Paulo was engaged as a research trainee at the same institute (INETI/ICEN). Since then, his academic and scientific career was developed in the field of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, more precisely as an expert in Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry.

Interesses científicos

Área de Especialização (FOS)


Perfis externos

Produção científica


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Biografia completa

Currently, AP is Principal Researcher with Habilitation at the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Engineering (DECN) and Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (C2TN) from IST, which have integrated the staff and facilities of the former ITN. António Paulo is associated to the DECN scientific area “Chemical and Radiopharmaceutical Sciences” and has been a member of DECN Executive Committee (2015-2018). At C2TN, he has been the head of the Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Group (RSG) (2015-2021) and the coordinator of the thematic strand “Radiopharmaceutical Sciences and Health Physics” (2016-2021). António Paulo is or has been the responsible of several courses in his scientific area: i) Radiopharmacy I and II, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy graduation courses, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL)/Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (IPL); ii) Advanced Radiopharmacy, Master in Nuclear Medicine, ESTeSL/IPL; iii) Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Master in Therapeutic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculdade de Farmácia/UL; iv) Radiochemistry, Master in Radiation Protection and Safety, IST/UL. At the RSG from C2TN/IST, his scientific activity involves mainly the study of metal-based compounds aiming their application in the design of novel radiopharmaceuticals. Currently, his main research interests are focused on molecular and nanometric (radio)compounds for imaging and/or therapy of cancer, based on peptidic molecules, beta- and Auger-emitting radiometals and gold nanoparticles. To perform this research work, AP has established a strong network of collaborators in Europe, USA and Brazil, and succeeded to secure significant funding in competitive calls at National and European level. AP has been the coordinator of 10 projects funded by the FCT (3 of them during the past 5 years), which corresponded to an overall FCT-funding of ca. 1 M€. He participates or has participated as a team member in 18 other projects funded by the FCT, ANI, industrial partners (e.g. Covidien, ex- Mallinckrodt LLC (USA)) and the European Commission. In his field of expertise, António Paulo (H index 33 and i10 index 93) authored 129 manuscripts (54 of them in the past 5 years) in international peer-reviewed journals, 5 book chapters and is the inventor/co-inventor of 3 international patents. AP supervised 5 PhD theses and co-supervised 4 PhD theses (2 of them ongoing), and supervised 11 MSc dissertations.