Alcínia Zita De Almeida Sampaio

Alcínia Zita De Almeida Sampaio


Alcínia Zita Sampaio, PhD in Civil Engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the TU Lisbon, since 1999. Since 2001, teacher and supervisor of Technical Drawing and Computer Aided Drawing for Civil Engineering students. The main research fields are: BIM – Building Information Building; Virtual Reality technology; Education in Drawing and BIM

Interesses científicos

Área de Especialização (FOS)

Engenharia Civil

Perfis externos

Produção científica


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Biografia completa

The most recent publications were in journals: MDPI - Applied Sciences, special session: Novel Approaches and Technologies for Conservation of Heritage Buildings (2021); International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (2021); Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (2021); MDPI - Journal Sustainability, Special Issue Strategies for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (2021); MDPI – Civil Engineering, Special Issue Advances in Civil Engineering (2021); The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal, (2021); MDPI- Buildings, Special Issue: Application of Emerging Technologies to Improve Construction Performance (2022); MDPI - Architecture (2022); Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (2022); MDPI - Machines, special session: Machines throughout History for Technological Development (2022); International Journal of Higher Education, (2022), and chapter books: Educational Developments (Volume 3), ch. 8, publisher: Innovare Academics Sciences (2022); Advances in Transportation Geotechnics IV. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 166, pp 665675, Springer, (2022); Building Information Modeling - A Sustainable Approach and Emerging Technologies, IntechOpen, London (2022); Technological Innovation in Engineering Research, Vol. 4, publisher B P International (2022).