João António Madeiras Pereira

João António Madeiras Pereira


Interesses científicos

Área de Especialização (FOS)

Ciências da Computação e da Informação

Perfis externos

Produção científica


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Biografia completa

João Madeiras Pereira is Associated Professor with Habilitation (Agregação) at Computer Science Department of Instituto Superior Técnico from University of Lisbon (IST/UL) where he teaches several courses in the Computer Graphics scientific area to the Undergraduate, Master and Doctoral Programmes. João Pereira holds a PhD in Electrical and Computers Engineering (Computer Graphics) from IST/UTL, Technical University, December 1996. He also received a MSc and a BsEE degrees in Electrical and Computers Engineering from IST/UTL, respectively in 1989 and 1984. He is the Scientific Coordinator of the Graphics and Interaction research group at INESC-ID (Computer Systems Engineering Institute). He is Associated Editor of Journal of Real-Time Processing (Springer). His main research fields are Real-Time Rendering, Photorealistic Rendering, Parallel Computer Graphics, Augmented Reality, Networked Virtual Environments and Serious Games. He has been involved with several European (RESOLV, IMPROVE, RTP11.13, MAXIMUS, SATIN, INTUTION, TARGET, GALA) and National projects. He is author or co-author of more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers presented at national and international events and journals. Professor Pereira is member of the Eurographics Association, IEEE (Senior Member), ACM (Senior Member) and GPCG. He is the Scientific Coordinator of the Graphics&Interaction Group at INESC-ID.