Fernando De Oliveira Durão

Fernando De Oliveira Durão


Educational qualifications 1. Habilitation, with the report of the discipline of Complements of Mineralurgy and the Synthesis Lesson entitled "Introduction to Bulk Solids Sampling Theory" (2003). 2. PhD in Mining Engineering, with thesis entitled “Modelagem e Simulação de Sistemas Mineralúrgicos"(1989); 3. BSc/MSc Degree in Mining Engineering from I.S.T. (1977); 4. Associate Professor (with Habilittaion) of Instituto Superior Técnico, 2003. Scientific/Technical 5. Retired in 2023 March

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Área de Especialização (FOS)

Ciências da Terra e Ciências do Ambiente

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Biografia completa

Birth date: 12 March 1953 Birth place: Mozambique Nacionality: Portuguese Educational qualifications BSc/MSc Degree in Mining Engineering (5 years – pre-Bolonha) in mining engineering (IST Technical University of Lisbon, 1978); PhD. in Mining Engineering (IST Technical University of Lisbon, 1989) with submission of Thesis entitled “Modelagem e Simulação de Sistemas Mineralúrgicos” (“Modeling and Simulation of Mineral Processing Systems”); Aggregation (IST Technical University of Lisbon, 2003) with synthesis lesson with title “Introdução à Teoria da Amostragem de Sólidos a Granel - O Modelo Discreto” (“Introduction to the Sampling Theory of Bulk Solids - The Discrete Model”) Courses taught “Mineral Processing I (old course, responsible), “Mineral Processing II” (old course, responsible), “Complements of Mineral Processing” (old course, responsible), “Optimization Methods” (old course, responsible), “Process Modeling and Simulation” (responsible), “Instrumentation and Process Control”, (responsible) , “Mineral and Solid Waste Processing I” (responsible), “Operations Research” (responsible), “Management and Decision Theory”, “Sampling and Environmental Methods of Analysis”, “Environmental Statistics”. Research interests Main research interests are related with the areas of modeling, simulation (static and dynamic), computational and process optimization and control of mineral and solid waste processing systems. Scientific coordination, scientific advisory and professional experience Scientific coordinator of several scientific projects; Scientific advisor of several MSc Dissertations and PhD Thesis; Professional experience in consultancy (1996- 2000) in mining engineering. Software development Author of several software applications developed under different Integrated Development Environments (Microsoft/Compaq/Intel FORTRAN 90/95/2003, Microsoft C/C++, MATLAB and Microsoft EXCEL/VBA) to support the teaching and research activities. Publications Author (co-author) of dozens of publications in journals of international circulation with scientific refereeing and in proceedings of international congresses with refereeing. Author (co-author) of numerous texts supporting the courses he is the responsible teacher. The scientific/technical activity focused advanced approaches of a logical sequence of subjects, from the data generation systems (in static and dynamic processing environments) to the mathematical models (deterministic/stochastic, steady state and dynamic models) and their ultimate usage (simulation and/or design and/or control). 1. The science and technology of sampling of lots of discrete materials (solids, liquids and gases) is one of the pillars of developments on the subject of the data generation systems. All the developments are inspired on, but not restricted to, the essentials contributions of Dr. Pierre Gy. 2. The data validation can be, partially, carried out through the establishment and solution of the steady state and dynamic mass balances of processing systems (the so called metallurgical balances). 3. Advanced steady state and/or dynamic modeling of mineral processing unit operations (comminution/liberation, classification and solid/solid separation). 4. Methodologies of steady sate and dynamic simulation (including design) of processing systems has been the primordial kernel of the scientific activity and the main content of the Ph.D. Thesis submitted to I.S.T. (1988). 5. Advanced strategies of process control (Non linear Model Predictive Control and application of fuzzy decision methodologies) have been implemented and tested in a laboratory scale flotation column installation. 6. Implementations of sophisticated non linear constrained optimization methods, including reverse communication and thread-safe versions. Other scientifc/technical areas of interest 1. Operations Research and Optimization Methods; 2. Computer programming (Languages: FORTRAN 90/95/2003, C/C++, MATLAB)