Dissertação de Mestrado De: cienciavitae
Hub para comunicação digital
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Many organizations use a POTS system in conjunction with a VoIP, this creates an availability problem to system because the repair and replacement of the hardware that keeps the POTS system working is very hard due to lack of spare parts on the market. Given this problem this work has the objective of offering a backup system that allows the organization that implements it to keep functioning as normal and at the same time offering extra features working as an extension of the existing system. This problem can be solved using a system that integrates the new webRTC technology with the existing VoIP technologies offering the future users of the system a Web application that allows them to do calls without the need of any native code. The system is composed of a Web server, an Asterisk PBX and an IVR server, the Web server is used to deliver a WebApp, signaling server for WebRTC browsers and to set up users inside the Asterisk server. The Asterisk PBX is used to connect the WebApp to the already existing SIP infrastructure and the IVR server serves dynamic IVR menus to the users, the menus are written using NodeJS which makes them easy to integrate with the webservices. With this system the users can do all the operations that a real pone allows inside a browser, search other users by name, review messages before sending and see all voicemail inside the browser.
Detalhes da publicação
Autores da comunidade :
João Reis
Orientadores desta instituição:
João Nuno De Oliveira e Silva
Domínio Científico (FOS)
- Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Eletrónica e Informática
- JavaScript
- WebRTC
- Asterisk
- VoIP
Idioma da publicação (código ISO)
- Português
Acesso à publicação:
Embargo levantado
Data do fim do embargo:
Nome da instituição
Instituto Superior Técnico