Dissertação de Mestrado
Community forest management: policy and scale of action. A case study of the Serra de Monchique, Algarve
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The occurrence of forest fire events is becoming more frequent on our planet. The latest WWF (World Wildlife Funding) report identifies Portugal as the European country that has faced the most forest fire events in the last 30 years and as the fourth worldwide country that has lost the highest percentage of forest land area since the XXI century. This research, developed under the scope of the BRIDGE (Bringing science and local communities together to reduce the risk of forest fires) project, focuses on the municipality of Monchique, in the district of Faro. Monchique has a historical backdrop of forest fires, with a significant percentage of its territory considered highly susceptible to forest fire occurrences. This dissertation seeks to ascertain whether the existing regulatory frameworks adequately acknowledge and harness local community capacities for forest management while simultaneously endeavouring to discern whether the institutional arrangements can function as catalysts for fostering a transition towards more collaborative and adaptive management approaches. Using adaptive co-management as a suitable approach for the management of Monchique’s territory, the underlying argument is that the local community possesses valuable assets that can facilitate the management of the forest territory. A questionnaire to understand Monchique’s community capacities was developed and applied, followed by a review and content analysis of the institutional arrangements. Findings suggest that there is an important capital within Monchique’s community that can be strengthened to create better synergies, enabling the community to improve the management of its territory and consequently reduce forest fire risk.
Detalhes da publicação
Autores da comunidade :
Ana Paula Rosa Silva Soares
Orientadores desta instituição:
Joana Fernandes Dias
Domínio Científico (FOS)
- Engenharia Civil
Idioma da publicação (código ISO)
- Português
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Instituto Superior Técnico