Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (Rui Costa Neto)
Rui Costa Neto is an academic/engineer with more than 28 years of experience in the energy industry and academia. He has a PhD in Chemical Engineering and a Post-Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Técnico de Lisboa, IST). Currently Rui Costa Neto is a Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of Universidade Lusófona (ULHT). Researcher at IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, Técnico Lisboa.
Interesses científicos
- Electric and thermal energy storage;
- R&D Management;
- PEM fuel cells;
- Vanadium redox flow batteries;
- Batteries;
- Lithium-ion batteries;
- Hydrogen production;
- Electrolysis;
- Steam reforming;
- Crude oil production;
- Fuel processing.
- He developed the first commercial portuguese PEM fuel cell in 2002. He was developed work in the area of energy systems that directly or indirectly involve hydrogen storage technologies and electricity and thermal energy conversion technologies. In the technologies directly related to hydrogen: experimental studies were carried out to characterize and improve the performance of several, hydrogen fuel cells. He was designed and built one test bench allows to characterize fuel cells up to 2.5 kW power.
- He was also responsible for the development of a water gas shift reactor (WGS) to test the longevity of a catalyst, for two periods of 100 hours each in a European project, New Method for Superior Integrated Hydrogen Generation System 2+ Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative (278138 SP1-JTI-FCH.2010.2.2).
- Another aspect of his research effort focuses on further guidance and co-supervision of Master and co-supervision of a PhD thesis. He have also undertaken work on the standards of acceptance of technologies involving hydrogen.
- He was also projected and built a redox flow battery for electrical energy storage. This technology allows an increase in durability to approximately 10 times, compared with traditional stationary storage technologies (lead acid batteries). In addition to the activities described, he want to highlight another type of work carried out to complement and complete the activities mentioned above: Synthesis and characterization of porous electrodes on glassy carbon, for later use in PEM fuel cells, PEM electrolysers, and vanadium redox flow batteries; Hydrogen production with pulsed current through a proton exchange membrane electrolyzer; Development of a pyrolysis laboratory reactor to convert biomass into bio-oil; Integration and characterization of a 100 Watts fuel cell in an experimental prototype boat known as Hidrocat; Development of the first Portuguese redox flow battery prototype; preparation of electrolyte by simplified process, design and construction of individual cell (2012).
Área de Especialização (FOS)
Engenharia Mecânica
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Produção científica
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