My research path started in Physics with a PhD in the area of particle physics. I then switched to Biology where I specialized in using Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) Theory to tackle different research questions. DEB is a universal metabolic theory that allows for predictions through the life cycle of any species and comparison between species. I have worked with many different species to understand such issues as effects of changes in environmental variables (temperature, pH, toxicants,...), to improve the estimation procedure or to predict GHG emissions
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Área de Especialização (FOS)
Ciências Biológicas
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.
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year Author's Name , et al.